
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Spring Has Finally Sprung!

Spring Has Finally Sprung!

Spring 2021 has arrived with fresh hope for the future. As vaccinations are being rolled out across the globe and the more vunerable members of society are finally being protected against the more harrowing effects of the virus, many of us are starting to feel like we can finally see the end in sight. Lockdown feels a lot harder when the sun is shining and Easter weekend appeared to be a renewed challenge of self control.

I for one am a little disappointed that I do not have a garden anymore, I do however have a terrace and I am trying to cheer myself on to sit on the terrace and absorb vitamin D whilst reading books. Books have definitely been a source of comfort during this trying period. Times when you would usually gather with friends and have a BBQ have been replaced with moments of solitary slivers of self-created entertainment. In the UK, restaurants, bars and non essentially shops have finally reopened. If there is an outdoor space, like a beer garden or terrace people are able to congregate there with friends and family once more. From what I understand small households can also mix again allowing small gatherings to take place mostly in gardens. In Italy, restaurants and shops are slowly opening up in a limited capacity across the regions and the aging population are finally able to return into society.

These small victories are allowing many of us to finally being to able to step into spring. Spring is such a time of possibility. Flowers bloom again and with it the hope of life. Like beautiful flowers in bloom, hope is the seed deep in the heart of us all that is starting to sprout. The delicate feeling brings excitement and expectation of what things can be. What joys can be had when we finally are allowed to live with abandon and step into a new changed future in a post pandemic world. Many of us just want to hold our loved ones tightly and over-indulge our much neglected tactile senses. Travel seems like something a bit further in our future but we are looking forward to the simple things in life that we used to take for granted.

Spring is a time of rebirth and I also hope that through the trauma of a pandemic we too can become reborn as a society. As we step into spring I hope we step into a new chapter of life filled with positivity, compassion and curiousity for the world around us. My personal goal is to make these qualities part of my life as I step into the world anew reborn this spring as a small tree of hope.

A view from the top: Bergamo

A view from the top: Bergamo

Ageing out of fun?

Ageing out of fun?