



It’s finally 2020, the beginning of a new era. I cannot believe it’s been 10 years since I started on my journey leaving London behind and travelling the world.

It’s funny that for most of my life I was truly against New Years resolutions. I always found myself thinking ‘why must we wait until January to improve ourselves?’ Actually I still feel this way but I have found a new appreciation for New Years resolutions. I realised that I am a goal-oriented person. I perform best when I have a goal dangling in front of me like a carrot. As soon as I feel I have no real goals, I stop and look around lost. I am probably my best self when I am working towards something.

I think many of us are the same. We need something to drive us! We need to be pulled up off the sofa to discover something new and the sooner we come to terms with this the sooner we can be our driven selves. If someone had told me that I would begin 2020 as a master’s student I think I would have been thoroughly confused, had self doubt slowed me down that much? Indeed it has and I have resolved that for this year that is the thing I need to work on the most (as well as my thesis). I need to work on overcoming my self doubt. Why shouldn’t I just be? Why shouldn’t I go for it and make the most out of every situation that is put in front of me. I live in an aesthetically beautiful country so this year I want to appreciate it more.

What are some of your goals for this year?

Remember everyday is a new day for self improvement. It’s sixteen days into the new year and if you have already failed at your diet, start again tomorrow, or next week… but please don’t wait until 2021 to try again.

Here are some of my own New Years resolutions, sharing keeps you accountable.

  1. Overcome my own self doubt! This is a constant work in progress but the most important resolution not just for 2020 but for life.

  2. Practice Chinese more frequently - aim to speak, read, write (journal) in Chinese as often as possible.

  3. Finish my Master’s Thesis FINALLY and graduate from University!

  4. Enjoy my surroundings, appreciate where I am and travel more through out Italy.

  5. 5. Don’t let the negatives get me down. I need to brush off negative energies and embrace the positives in my life, good people and good vibes only please!

  6. GO BACK TO ASIA THIS YEAR. I really want to head back to Taiwan and South Korea this year, even if it’s just for a vacation. I miss those places far too much!

  7. Get back in shape and form healthy habits for this year. Eating well and exercising, I would love to find a new active hobby to get me moving. As someone who gave up dance and never really returned to it I feel constantly restless and I need to fill the void that has been empty for far too long.

  8. Become fearless when speaking Korean, embrace it, speak it, read it. (And hopefully prepare to pass Topik level 3)

  9. Improve my memory, work to study, constantly discover and keep my brain energized

  10. BE HAPPY! That is another goal for life

Those are some of my resolutions, but remember, its a brand new decade, only you can unstick yourself. Let’s all strive to be our very best selves from here on out!

Pancake Day!

Pancake Day!

 Art Class: Arrivederci Venice Biennale

Art Class: Arrivederci Venice Biennale