

Floating into space

Floating into space

I never thought that last September I would travel to Angel on a rainy morning in London just to sort of float about. Floating therapy was something that I had never really heard of before but apparently it is just a really well kept secret. I entered the building with an unassuming shop front and was instantly greeted by smiling zen faces. I was a little taken aback. These people all look like they’ve come back from a year long holiday. They gently explained to me that it was a shoes off zone. (Which I am a strong advocate for) and then proceeded to show me around the space. I learned there that floating is something that has been around since the 1990s.

To explain briefly what floating is, you float around stark naked in a sensory deprivation tank for anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours. It is a pod which is about 8 feet long and filled with Epsom salts and water that is heated to body temperature. The pod shuts entirely which leaves you in complete darkness. To ease you into the experience the pod has lights and calming music which play for 10 mins to allow you time to adjust yourself and float comfortably in the water and then eventually the music stops, the light goes out and you are left alone to your own thoughts for an hour or so. When your time is up the music plays again to remind you of this and the lights slowly switch back on. And there. You’ve floated to out of space.

Now I know it doesn’t sound like much but the experience was incredibly overwhelming to me. It was just so peaceful. But also not knowing what I was in for I think greatly helped. The team at Floatworks perfectly curated an atmosphere of complete and utter relaxation tantamount to an amazing spa. They really think of everything, from a selection of lovely teas and affirmation cards in the area you rest in after you’ve taken your float, petroleum jelly to rub on any nicks or cuts you may have prior to entering a bath full of salt, to GHD hair straighteners in the changing rooms so you can go straight from there to whatever plans you may have for the day. You feel like you are being taken care of from start to finish.

After experiencing it for myself I am utterly converted. It is such a great way to unwind and if you have an active lifestyle and enjoy hobbies like hiking, floating in a bath of Epsom salts at your body temperature is a great way to help your muscles relax. I was so surprised to find that although floating has been around for the better part of 30 years it still has yet to reach the mainstream. Personally, I believe that everyone needs to try it at least once in their life. And who knows, you maybe be one of the people who even hallucinates during the experience!

If there’s one thing we all need to focus on this year after the last couple of years we’ve had it’s definitely self-care. So add floating to the top of your list and let me know how you found the experience!

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