

Fashion at IUAV 2018

Fashion at IUAV 2018

'Sfilano nel campo da calcio Santa Marta gli studenti di Design della Moda allo IUAV di Venezia coordinati dai designer Arthur Arbesser, Veronika Allmayer-Beck e Fabio Quaranta'


That was the headline on Italian Vogue's website last night as they streamed the graduate fashion show at the IUAV. IUAV is one of only 3 universities in Venice and it is a well regarded architecture school with less than 5,000 students enrolled. However, they also have a fashion department.

The future of Italian fashion seemed a little bit brighter last night as we watched the budding young designers display their final collections on the runway (a football training field reclaimed for the ARTS). Entertainment came in the form of djs blasting thumping techno music and a 'half-time show' where a naked man danced in the centre of the field among smoke and spotlights.

We were treated to camo print designs, Italian themed motifs and lots of punk, plaid and puffer sleeves. Overall it was a great experience to watch and we wish these young graduates from the masters and bachelors program all the best in the fashion world. 

Art Class: 'Models and Dancers' Alex Katz @ Lotte Museum of Art, Seoul

Art Class: 'Models and Dancers' Alex Katz @ Lotte Museum of Art, Seoul

